
The Bishop Harvey Goodwin (VA) C of E Primary School

“Bonum Vincit Et Amor Dei” Good Wins Within the love of God

Rule of Law

We follow the rule of law in our school. Rules make us sure all the children are safe, are happy and can learn their best !


Here are some examples from the children (Worship 9.2.23);


  • Across the whole school we have 4 Golden School rules - The Respect, Learning, Communication and Movement Rules. These keep us all safe and equal
  • We are all responsible for implementing our rules from ourselves, to those with jobs of responsibilty (House Captains, Lunch buddies, Libraians, Worship Leaders, Mini Police), Teachers, dinner teachers and Governors
  • We all understand the consequences of breaking our school rules and what we can do to make this right and learn for the future through the Behaviour levels and our Think it Through Sheets. We also use Restorative Justice
  • We discuss our rules in class through circle time, in worship or in House Meetings
  • We are a Mini Police School. Our Year 6 pupils volunteer to be in the Mini Police and work with our PCSO Amy Lambert. Examples of the way they support the rule of law is by speaking to other pupils about keeping safe on line and firework safety.