
The Bishop Harvey Goodwin (VA) C of E Primary School

“Bonum Vincit Et Amor Dei” Good Wins Within the love of God

Bonfire Night

Bonfire Night


3rd November 2022

Today we had a visit from our school mini-police who came to tell us all about how to stay safe on Bonfire night. They had some great safety tips for us and we listened to these really carefully.

We then went on to watch some fireworks to create our firework dance to the song of ‘Fireworks’ by Katy Perry.  We created ‘Firework’ pictures thinking about how we could represent the sounds the fireworks made in our pictures using different movements- Whoosh, Bang, Fizz, Crackle, POP, Spin, Zoom!!

Fireman Sam also has some useful tips to keep us safe on Bonfire night. You could watch these again at home at: 


