
The Bishop Harvey Goodwin (VA) C of E Primary School

“Bonum Vincit Et Amor Dei” Good Wins Within the love of God

Mutual respect and tolerance for those of different faiths and beliefs

We promote mutal respest and tolenece for those of different faiths and beliefs through our school vision, purpose and values.


Here are some ideas from the children (Worship 9.2.23)

  • On Friday 18th March 2022 Imran revisited our school to share with us the 5 pillars of Islam. After talking to the whole school he then carried out workshops with Years 4,5, and 6. He explored 'What is it like to be a Muslim in Britain today?'
  • On Friday 29th April pupils in our school of Muslim faith offer to share their experiences of Ramadan in Celebration Worship and shared with us their exciting plans to celebrate Eid on 1st May 2022.
  • In RE for example Year 6 learn about Muslim faith and beliefs, Year 4 learn about Buddism and Islam
  • We visit the local churches and cathedral regularly. Thoses whose religion or faith do not want to visit are accepted and arrangements made
  • We have special assemblies that children lead. Exampls this year include Yom Kippur, Hannukah, Chinese New Year
  • We celebrate world equality through Christian Aid
  • We begin to learn about French Culture in Key Stage Two
  • We use restorative Justice when things go wrong to understand how our actions impact on others and how we can repair relationships for the future
  • We have visitors of different faiths in our school 
  • One of our four Golden school rules is 'Respect' so Respect for ourselves, others and the world
  • We accept and celebrate those of other faiths in school