
The Bishop Harvey Goodwin (VA) C of E Primary School

“Bonum Vincit Et Amor Dei” Good Wins Within the love of God

Our places of worship

We have close links with St John's Upperby, St Herberts and the Cathedral in Carlisle. In fact we are the only Church school in the cathedral city. We have foundation governors from both parishes and the Vicar from St Johns Rev. Richard Goodfellow regularly comes into school to lead collective worship, meet the children and staff. As a school we celebrate festivals both in school and in Church. For example Reception Nativity in school read by our Vicar, Year 2 Christmas in St Herbert's for Mother's Union, Year 3 Harvest in the Cathedral, Year 5 Remembrance at St Cuthbert's and Year 6 Leavers in the Cathedral. We frequently take our children to visit our local churches. Reception have visited St Herbert's for baptism, groups of children have visited Bishop Goodwin's memorial in the Cathedral and the whole school and parents celebrate Carols Around the Tree at St John's every year.
