Christian Aid Celebrations at Carlisle Cathedral – Tuesday 8th November 2022
Many schools from the Carlisle and surrounding areas joined together to ‘STAND UP, SPEAK OUT SEND A MESSAGE AGAINST CLIMATE CHANGE’ and raise money for East Africa.
Children in Year 6 wrote letters to a local MP, expressing their concerns about this Global Plight. Year 3 designed posters of what they could do now to save energy and water e.g turn taps off when brushing teeth/stop deforestation/ turn electrical appliances off when not in use. These were displayed at Carlisle Library and then at the Cathedral for the event.
Representatives from year 3 and 6 attended this celebration and read Isaiah 6 to the congregation during this event
What a fantastic Celebration of awareness for this ‘Global Plight’.
Some photographs of inside the Cathedral and the order of service can be found below.