
The Bishop Harvey Goodwin (VA) C of E Primary School

“Bonum Vincit Et Amor Dei” Good Wins Within the love of God

Summer 1 2023 Justice

Vision and Values Day - Summer 1

Monday 17th April 2023



Bible Verse:

Learn to do right. Seek justice. Isaiah 1:17



Our Christian value this half term is justice. We looked at the importance of making wise decisions in order to treat each other justly. Classes shared the judgement of Solomon story and how he used his wisdom to find the truth and act in a way that was just.


Long ago, God wanted to show his people how to behave towards one another and treat each other justly. He gave Moses the 10 Commandments. Classes wrote their own rules for living well together, linked to making wise decisions and acting justly.


Vision and Values Day - Summer 1

Monday 17th April 2023


For part of the day, we worked on preparations for our Coronation Day Celebration Service , to be held on Friday 5th May.

EYFS looked at the symbols of the monarchy.

KS1 found out about the role of the King.

LKS2 researched ‘The Big Help Out’

UKS2 found out about King Charles as defender of the faith and defender of faiths.

