‘As part of our school values day on ‘Wisdom’. We examined images of storms after we explored the parable of the ‘The wise and foolish builder’. Linking our Artist Henri Matisse and his famous skill of pointillism we created some amazing storm art. We showed great concentration and focus to complete this type of artwork, but I am sure you can see the effort applied has really paid off. ‘
"In science we are looking at plants, especially what they need to grow and the conditions that they grow best in. This week we have been planning our investigations around the following questions:
Does it make a difference if the bean is planted on top or under the soil?
Does it make a difference which way up we plant the seed?
Does it make a difference if the seed is planted near the bottom or the top?
The seeds are now planted, we will wait and see what conclusions we can draw from our observations.”
16th March 2022
Here are some photographs from our open the book worship today.
The children from reception/Year One and Year Two were told the story of Jonah and the Whale using props by open the book.