
The Bishop Harvey Goodwin (VA) C of E Primary School

“Bonum Vincit Et Amor Dei” Good Wins Within the love of God

Extra-Curricular Clubs


We offer a range of extra curricular clubs at lunch time and after school so that our children are able to develop their full potential in all aspects of their lives. We see clubs as our commitment to developing our pupils personal and social development and are clubs are inclusive to all. We seek to ensure that there are no barriers to attending any clubs.


At the Bishop Harvey Goodwin School, we want our pupils to know their voice is important, listened to and influences decisions that affect their daily lives with the motto, ‘We have a voice we have a choice.’  Therefore, to ensure we are offering Extra-Curricular Clubs that suit the interests and needs of all our children each class was asked what future clubs they wanted to run within our school through pupil voice questionnaires.  Our clubs change therefore across the school year.

In Autumn Term our clubs are;

  • Lunch time library Club
  • Lunch Time sports
  • Lunch time orienteering
  • Choir
  • Recorders
  • Games
  • Gardening
  • Reading 
  • Ethos Group
  • Textiles




Cumberland Council Holiday Clubs Easter 2024
