
The Bishop Harvey Goodwin (VA) C of E Primary School

“Bonum Vincit Et Amor Dei” Good Wins Within the love of God

Spring 1 2023 Responsibility

Spring 1 2023

Whole School Vision and Values Day


This half term we are thinking about how we take responsibility for ourselves and others, to stand up for what is right, as modelled by Jesus. We are looking at how we have an individual and collective responsibility for the wider community. We are responsible for acting in a way which encourages a positive contribution to society.

Each one of us needs to look after the good of the people around us, asking ourselves, “How can I help?” Romans 15:2 (The Message)

We have explored ‘The Parable of the Talents’

The Bible teaches that life is a gift from God and it is our responsibility to use our talents and abilities in the best way we can.


Key Stage Two children have explored how their personal worldviews affect the responsibility that they take.


Key Stage One children have explored how ‘A helping hand can change the world.’

We have all thought about the issues that we are passionate about, that we feel responsibility towards in terms of taking making the issue known and taking action.



