We are very proud of our curriculum at The Bishop Harvey Goodwin School. We have ensured that we have developed it to match our vision and our pupils and community needs across the broad range of subjects and across the wider curriculum so that they are well equipped for the next stage of their education and for life.
If you have any questions regarding the curriculum we teach please contact the school directly.
We reviewed our vision with stakeholders in June 2021 and this influenced our curriculum resign. When we redesigned our curriculum we asked the following questions;
What do we want for our children?
What are their strengths?
What are their barriers and how can we overcome them?
We will continue to ask these questions and adapt our curriculum as we carry out reviews.
The document below outlines our Curriculum Statement for Intent, Implementation and Impact.
We also plan for wider curriculum opportunities in Our Star Curriculum.
The implementation of our curriculum is supported by long and medium term plans. As we delayed the introduction of our curriculum due to the pandemic until September 2021 the first year will not be completed until September 2022. Even then we have made adaptions to support the loss of learning such as the Critical Content Curriculum for Key Stage One so that they are well placed to be able to tackle the broad curriculum of Key Stage Two.
Long Term Plans - Our long term plans were devised in 2018-19 by SLT and Subject Leaders using the National Curriculum and the latest subject research from Ofsted, EEF how pupils learn and subject associations. We have adapted and altered the long term plans when they were introduced in September 2021 due to the impact of the pandemic. We will carry out a full review at the end of this academic year and make ammendments as required.
Medium Term Plans - These are created by the class teachers with advice from subject leaders. The medium term plans reflect how year groups intend to deliever the long term plans.
Our Curriculum Journey and response to the pandemic is outlined below.
For more information about our curriculum our school is following please contact the Deputy Headteacher.