
The Bishop Harvey Goodwin (VA) C of E Primary School

“Bonum Vincit Et Amor Dei” Good Wins Within the love of God

Year 5

Fieldtrip to Dalston

We had a wonderful walk from school to Dalston. The children identified and located different river features: weir, meander, sediment deposits, braided river, white water, erosion, flood plain etc. They located the features on the OS map and ticked them off as they found them. When we arrived at Dalston we had lunch, a good play in the park and finished the day off with an ice-cream!

Phunky Foods ‘Drain Your Drink’ Workshop 22.4.22

Our Year Five Phunky Foods Ambassadors worked with Andrea to plan and run a ‘Drain Your Drink’ Workshop for the rest of the class. The children learned about the importance of keeping up fluid levels and being aware of hidden sugar in drinks. They chose different combinations of ingredients to make and sample some delicious smoothies.


Easter Prayer Stations 31.3.22

The children visited a range of Easter prayer stations in our prayer room. They had opportunity to reflect on a range of questions and experience different activities related to parts of the Easter story.

Islam Workshop Friday 18th March

Year Five took part in a workshop about The Mosque led by Imran Kotwal. They learned about different parts of the Mosque and were interested to hear Imran singing the call to prayer.


Still image for this video

Year 5 Visit to Tullie House 10th March 2022

Life and Death in Ancient Egypt


Our class enjoyed using genuine Ancient Egyptian artefacts to find out about the River Nile, gods and godesses, mummifiaction, hieroglyphics and their beliefs about life after death. There was opportunity to try on Egyptian costumes and get arty. We took part in a Funerary Ceremony as a grand finale!

As part of our JIGSAW work we have been learning how to place someone in the recovery position. This is such a vital skill to have. The children were calm, listened carefully and followed the instructions really well.

Burger Making in Year 5

On Tuesday 8th March 2022, Andrea from Phunky Foods came into school to support us with our burger making. We looked at the range of ingredients (including their nutritional value) , read the recipe and method and learnt some new cutting skills. There were a few tears while cutting up the onions! We worked together in groups to make our burgers which the kitchen then kindly cooked. In the afternoon we made up our burgers (with a few added extras- sauce, salad, cheese) and enjoyed them in class.

Swimming Year 5 January 2022


The Year 5 children have made a great start to their swimming lessons. They are working on: water confidence, jumping in and emerging from the pool safely, front crawl and pushing and gliding on their back from the pool side.  They are thoroughly enjoying their lessons and get to have a great catch up with their friends on the walk down.

Year 5 Book Wizard.....Congratulations to Lucy who was the recipient of the school Book Wizard this term.

Design and Technology

Design and Technology


The children have been learning about the role of a 'cam' in order to move a toy. They have looked at how different shaped cams can affect movements, the role of the 'axel' and how the 'slider' supports the moving component. 'Linear' and 'rotational' movements were formed with the cam.

We were able to use new tools, such as the hand drill, hand saw and work bench.

The children worked in pairs/ small groups to make their moving toy. The children were really proud of their moving toys and they are displayed beautifully outside our classroom.
